In a groundbreaking development announced at ETHCC23, Neon EVM has officially made its debut on the Solana Mainnet. This key milestone signifies an important step towards bridging the divide between Ethereum and Solana’s distinct programming, computing, and memory models.
Why does this matter?
Interoperability, or the ability of different systems to work together, has long been a major focus in the blockchain world. Historically, Ethereum and Solana have operated as separate entities, each with its own unique framework. This has often created challenges for developers seeking to leverage the benefits of both blockchains. Neon EVM’s launch effectively bridges this gap, promoting the flow of information and capabilities between the two.
Cost Efficiency Enhanced
One of the most significant advantages of this integration is the cost-efficiency it offers for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) dApps. Until now, these dApps seeking to leverage lower-cost solutions typically had to use either a rollup or a sidechain. However, with Solana now serving as a settlement layer, EVM is poised to outperform these Layer 2 (L2) solutions.
To put it in perspective, the average transaction fee on the Ethereum network is ~$2. L2 solutions can bring this down to between $0.5 to $0.1. But, Solana’s average transaction fees, a mere ~0.00001 SOL ($0.0002), offer a potential for a 10,000-fold reduction in transaction costs. This is not mere speculation – early tests on Devnet have validated these significant cost optimizations.
Marina Guryeva, Director of Neon Foundation, shared her excitement about the launch: “We are very excited to see Neon EVM live on Solana Mainnet. Once we repeat these tests in production, we will present the figures based on real-world data.”
The Birth of Neon DAO
The launch of Neon EVM on Solana’s Mainnet also marks the commencement of the Neon DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). DAO members are now able to actively participate and influence the ongoing development and future direction of Neon EVM.
Unpacking Neon EVM
Neon EVM is essentially an Ethereum Virtual Machine running as a smart contract on Solana. It facilitates developers to directly deploy Ethereum dApps, requiring minimal code reconfiguration, while enjoying Solana’s technical benefits.
For a more detailed understanding, the Neon EVM’s whitepaper is available at
The Bigger Picture
The launch of Neon EVM on Solana’s Mainnet is more than just a technical achievement. It represents a significant stride towards blockchain interoperability, promising to create more efficient, seamless environments for developers and cost-effective solutions for transactions.