Electra Meccanica, an electric vehicle company based in Vancouver, Canada, designed an everyday life electric vehicle called SOLO. With a top speed of 128 kilometers per hour and a 160km range with HOV lane access, you end up spending less time in traffic, which allows for a better life and traffic balance. SOLO comes with a very compact body, which eliminates parallel-parking nightmarish struggles while driving in busy city centers. SOLO offers commuters an electric car that fits perfectly into a busy CBD traveller and it’s 100 percent powered by electricity so it’s great for the planet too. As small as it looks, it comfortably supports one driver and also has enough boot space for groceries.
Drawing on a 60 year legacy of building and delivering high-end custom specialty cars, Electra Meccanica has designed and produced a leading edge affordable electric vehicle for the commuter market. United by a passion to develop affordable, leading-edge electric vehicles, Electra Meccanica has produced the high performance, commuter-friendly single-seater SOLO electric vehicle.
The Company is also developing the TOFINO, an elegant, high performance, a two-seater electric roadster. Both vehicles are designed to deliver a superb driving experience.