WhatsApp has announce that starting 15 June 2020, they activating digital payments to WhatsApp for users in Brazil. Users will be able to send money securely through Facebook Pay and make purchases from local business without leaving their chat.
The over 10 million small and micro businesses are the heartbeat of Brazil’s communities. It’s become second nature to send a zap to a business to get questions answered. Now in addition to viewing a store’s catalog, customers will be able to send payments for products as well. Making payments simple can help bring more businesses into the digital economy, opening up new opportunities for growth.
In addition, WhatsApp is making sending money to loved ones as easy as sending a message, which could not be more important as people are physically distant from one another. Because payments on WhatsApp are enabled by Facebook Pay, in the future WhatsApp will make it possible for people and businesses to use the same card information across Facebook’s family of apps.
They have built payments with security in mind and a special six digit PIN or fingerprint will be required to prevent unauthorized transactions. To start, they will support debit or credit cards from Banco do Brasil, Nubank, and Sicredi on the Visa and Mastercard networks -and they are working with Cielo, the leading payments processor in Brazil. WhatsApp has built an open model to welcome more partners in the future.
Sending money or making a purchase on WhatsApp is free for people. Businesses will pay a processing fee to receive customer payments, similar to what they may already pay when accepting a credit card transaction.
Payments on WhatsApp are beginning to roll out to people across Brazil beginning today and we look forward to seeing it launch in South Africa and the rest of the world as they go forward.